St. John's primary women's group is called the Ruth Guild and it is a member of the Lutheran Women in Missions (LWML) ladies' group of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. For 75 years, the LWML has focused on affirming every woman’s relationship with Christ and encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to support global missions.
Monthly GatheringThe Ruth guild meets every fourth Sunday of the month immediately following the Sunday morning worship service. They enjoy a lunch and a Bible/Topic study together. There may also be some business that needs to be taken care of. Every lady is invited to join the group.
Mite BoxesThe Ruth Guild collects mites (usually just loose change) the first Sunday of every month. These funds go to support our church abroad and provides grants to many wonderful Christian ministries both nationally and locally. The concept of the "mite" comes from the story in Luke 21:1-4 where Jesus points out the incredible generosity of a poor widow who gave all she had--just two small coins. The mite has come to represent how even a small gift can add up when it comes to the people of God working together. Every year the LWML collects millions of dollars from mites. Pick up a "mite box" in the welcome area next time you are at St. John and help support our women in mission.
QuiltingThe quilters meet every Tuesday morning from 9:00 am to noon. This is such a special ministry. This year the group made 280 quilts that will be sent to Lutheran World Relief to be used all around the world to provide comfort to those without house or home. NO SEWING SKILLS REQUIRED. This is great and meaningful ministry to be a part of.