Martin Luther once said, "We see deepest into God when we see Jesus on the cross." The love that God has for each individual person is truly a mystery. It is hard for us to fathom such a deep love for all mankind that He would send His Son into the world to die on a cross for every single person. When we look at the cross and picture Jesus hanging there, we see the love that God has for each of us. The cross makes believers in Jesus a new creation and our identity changes. We are now in Christ.
This Lenten/Easter season we will be looking at the cross in conjunction with the Book of Jeremiah. Now, Jeremiah was not Jesus nor are we, but as followers of and believers in the true God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we experience some of the same trials and suffering that Jesus did as we live in this world. This is bearing the cross of Christ.
We reflect on our sinfulness and rejoice that God stepped in and sent His Son in human flesh to take on the punishment that we deserve.
This Lenten/Easter season we will be looking at the cross in conjunction with the Book of Jeremiah. Now, Jeremiah was not Jesus nor are we, but as followers of and believers in the true God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we experience some of the same trials and suffering that Jesus did as we live in this world. This is bearing the cross of Christ.
We reflect on our sinfulness and rejoice that God stepped in and sent His Son in human flesh to take on the punishment that we deserve.
The Call of the Cross - Holy Vocation!
Jeremiah 1:4-10, 17-19 |
Pastor Don Poole
Sermon Service